Val, spacevalkyries, V.M. Ayala: queer disabled neurodivergent sci-fi/fantasy writer and variety streamer


Hi! I go by Val or spacevalkyries online and write under the pen name V.M. Ayala. I’m a disabled biracial queer variety streamer and sci-fi/fantasy writer with short stories featured in Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Escape Pod.

I’m a bisexual, demisexual, and non-binary biracial Mexican American. I have ADHD, social anxiety, C-PTSD, and depression as well as chronic pain and fatigue. I’m also a childhood cancer survivor.

In short: I’m a chaotic, delightful mess, and genuinely inclusive representation of neurodivergent disabled queer BIPOC characters is very important to me.

You can find me online most places @spacevalkyries (see my links page for full list).

Short Bio

Spacevalkyries (she/they) is a disabled biracial queer writer and streamer in love with space, RPGs, and narrative focused indie games. Oh, and dragons. They write sci-fi/fantasy under the pen name V.M. Ayala, with short stories featured in Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Escape Pod.

Interested in working with me as a streamer and content creator? I showcase everything from RPGs to indie visual novels and often fundraise for important causes. Contact: spacevalkyries (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

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